The University of Hong KongThe University of Hong Kong
University Central Facilities
Science and Engineering Core Service (Metaphase)

Equipment Costs

Equipment Min. Usage HKU User Other UGC User Commercial User
Electron Microscopy Laboratory (Haking Wong Building)
Leo 1530 FEG SEMone session$150 / hr$1200 / hr$2400 / hr
FEI Quanta 200 3D FIBone session$300 / hr$2400 / hr$4800 / hr
Thermo Scientific Talos F200X STEMone session$300 / hr$2400 / hr$4800 / hr
Thermo Scientific Themis ETEMone session$300 / hr$2400 / hr$4800 / hr
* For other UGC users and commercial users using ETEM with in-situ experiments, the charges are 1.5 times from the table.
Thermo Scientific Escalab QXi XPS$300 / hr$2400 / hr$4800 / hr
Electron Microscopy Laboratory (Queen Mary Hospital)
FEI Tecnai G2 20 Scanning TEMone session$150 / hr$600 / hr$1500 / hr
Philips CM100 TEMone session$120 / hr$480 / hr$1200 / hr
Hitachi S4800 FEG SEMone session$150 / hr$1200 / hr$2400 / hr
Hitachi S3400N VP SEMone session$120 / hr$960 / hr$1920 / hr
Central Fabrication Laboratory (SEM/ FIB)
Thermo Scientific Helios 5 CX DualBeamone session$450 / hr$3600 / hr$7200 / hr
* EBL and SEM only usage will charge One-third of the original charge.
Zeiss Sigma 300 VP FEGSEMone session$150 / hr$1200 / hr$2400 / hr
Materials Charaterization Laboratory (AFM/s-SNOM/TERs)
Materials Charaterization Laboratory (Optical)
J A Woollam RC2 Ellipsometer1 hour$150 / hr$600 / hr$1500 / hr
Agilent Cary 5000 UV-VIS-NIR1 hour$150 / hr$600 / hr$1500 / hr
Edinburgh FLS1000 Photoluminescence Spectrometer1 hour$100 / hr$400 / hr$1000 / hr
Materials Charaterization Laboratory (Analytical)
Netzsch DSC 214 Polyma DSC1 hour$60 / hr$240 / hr$600 / hr
* The maximum charge for one day is 12 hours of charge (from 09:30 to the following day 09:30 or from 13:00 to the following day 13:00).
The cost for liquid nitrogen does not include if using cryo system (below -70°C).
Micrometritics ASAP 2020 Plus Adsorption Analyzer10 hours$60 / hr$240 / hr$600 / hr
* No charge for the sample degassing process. Only the analysis process will incur a charge.
The maximum charge for one sample per day is 10 hours (24 hours after the analysis begins). For analyses taking longer than 1 day, extra hours will be charged.
Cameca LEAP 6000 XR APT0.5 hour (if sample failed) $250 / hr$0 / hr$0 / hr
* Not open to the public in the testing period.; The maximum charge for one sample is 24 hours (12 hours for testing period) of charge for HKU internal users.
Materials Charaterization Laboratory (SAXS/SC-XRD)

Services Costs

Service Charge** Unit
Critical Point Dry$250per load
Ion Beam Milling$190per hour
Chemicals for processing$150 per sample (TEM processing)
TEM Sectioning (Ultra/Semi-thin)$420 per sample (included 1 semi-thin section and 2 ultra-thin section)
TEM Processing (Biological Specimen)$450 per sample, NOT including chemicals (Process from sample in fixative to sample embed in resin block)
Freeze Dry$250per load
SEM Processing$150 per sample, including chemicals (Process from sample in fixative to sample on SEM stub)
Staining service (-ve)(1 Load = 10 Grids)$65per load
Staining service (counter stain)(1 Load = 10 Grids)$125per load
TEM Processing (Cross-section)NOT including ion beam milling$625per sample
TEM Processing (Plane-view)NOT including ion beam milling$375per sample
Liquid Nitrogen for Linkam Cryo Stage experimentundefined$50per day

Payment Methods